Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Did you know that the shamrock symbolizes hope, faith, and love? I cherish all three! Even on the worst of days, I hold hope for a better tomorrow. I have faith that whatever obstacle I face, I will find a way to roll through it! I try to spread love, one smile at a time!
Here is another fun St. Patrick’s Day Fact: Pinching someone for not wearing green is not an Irish tradition, but an American tradition dating back to the 1700’s. The legend states that you are invisible to leprechauns if you wear green. Pinching someone who is not wearing green reminds them that leprechauns pinch everyone they see!
If get pinched by a leprechaun today, it is probably because you forgot to wear green or you had one too many green beers! My advice is take a taxi or Uber home tonight, especially if you were pinched by a leprechaun while drinking green beer!
Keep Rollin’ and Keep Smilin’!