Just about everyone I know talks about their bucket list. I never thought about sitting down and writing a bucket list. To think about everything I want to do before I kick the bucket is overwhelming, not that I plan on kicking the bucket anytime soon. Additionally, that it would take a lifetime for me to type it up with my one finger search and peck technique. I decided to start small and make a Fall Bucket List.
There are so many fun activities I want to do each season. My schedule becomes crazy and I forget half of them. Hopefully, writing a Fall Bucket List will hold me accountable and allow me to experience the most out of the autumn season.
Here is my 2017 Fall Bucket List…
Visit Apple Orchard– Last year I went to Helene’s Hilltop Orchard. However, this year I am going to check out Rock Ridge Orchard in Edgar, WI. I wanted to switch it up this year and explore a new town at the same time! Also, I have a long time camp friend who lives in Edgar. I plan on ringing her up and inviting her to go along!
My apple goodies from my visit to Helene’s Apple Orchard in 2016
Make a GF Apple Cobbler with Cinnamon Ice Cream and share with my neighbor. I have a neighbor who makes me creamy cucumbers on a regular basis. She is unable to get around out side of Wausau, so I am going to bring a piece of the apple orchard to her!
Visit a Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze. I am planning on heading out to Wilke’s Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch, as this has become my yearly tradition. I am going to try to not get stuck or lost in the corn maze this year! I may even try the haunted hayride if a ramp is available! I also am going to take a drive up to Tomahawk to visit JP’s Berry & Pumpkin Patch. I love Tomahawk and plan on taking the scenic route!

My pumpkin adventure at Wilke’s in 2016
Decorate entrance to my apartment building. Many of the residents in my building do not have transportation beyond the city bus. I am fortunate to have transportation. So I am going to bring autumn cheer to my neighbors!
Make dinner in a pumpkin and pumpkin seeds. A must for any Fall Bucket List! Got a recipe? Please send it to me! Must be gluten free!
Drive along Cranberry Highway to see fall foliage. I was researching scenic drives for fall colors in Wisconsin and I came across Cranberry Highway! It is close and sounds awesome! I also plan on checking out a cool restaurant along the way!
Make GF Pumpkin Bread with Cranberries. I miss seasonal breads like zucchini and banana bread. I found this recipe and I know I can find the ingredients at The Downtown Grocery! I may even add a few chocolate chips!
Watch a horror movie I am a chicken so I am not quite ready for the movie It. However, I am thinking of watching The Grudge and snacking on some pumpkin seeds and apple cider!
Host a Packer Party I love the Packers! I love parties! It is a no-brainer for my Fall Bucket List! I can show off my new apartment at the same time!
Visit Wildwood Zoo in Marshfield. I have not been to a zoo in many years. I think fall is the perfect time to visit a zoo. It is cooler and not as crowded! As a result, I can cruise through the zoo without a ton of stares and enjoy my zoo experience in peace!
Birds in Art 2017
Visit the Birds In Art Exhibit at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum Although I attended the private showing of this yearly exhibit, it was pretty crowded. I like to take my time and read about the artist. I plan on enjoying the crisp fall air as I walk through the garden, still one of my favorite places in Wausau.
So this concludes my Fall Bucket List for 2017. Oh, wait…I have one more thing to add. All the above are activities designed around accessibility. Sometimes I like to challenge myself and do something that is not accessible or in my comfort zone. So I am adding one more thing to my Fall Bucket List.
Every year my mom heads up north for the Fall Ride on her VStar. I am happy she gets to go, as this is truly her only vacation away from taking care of me. However, I am envious for several reasons. Fall Ride sounds like a blast. I also would love to experience the wind on my face. My mom describes it with one word, “Freedom”. I would like to be on a motorcycle feeling this freedom.

So I am adding riding on a motorcycle to my Fall Bucket List. My mom reached out to her friend, Raul to make it happen. We are hoping to find someone with a trike to ride me around in a safe parking lot. Okay, not quite the freedom of the open road…but it is a start! Don’t worry, I will be wearing a helmet!
Until next time, Keep Rollin’ and Keep Smilin’
#wilkes #cornmaze #cerebralpalsyawareness #specialneeds #specialneedsfamily #pumpkinpatch #disabilities #friendship #wheelchairadventures #edgar #HelenesHilltopOrchard #independence #hayride #it #wheelchairtravel #Wisconsin #cranberryhighway #cerebralpalsy #AppleOrchard #bucketlist #cranberry #fall #travel #Accessibility #holiday #halloween #LeighYawkeyWoodsonArtMuseum #rockridgeorchard #tractor #AppleCider #disabled #apple #autumn #farm #birdsinart #pumpkin #disabilityawareness #family #inspiration #Wausau #glutenfree #challenges #thegrudge #Blogger