hunterkelch2Mar 2, 20204 minCP Awareness Month: #GoGreen4CPSo you may be asking what #GoGreen4CP is all about? Well, March is CP Awareness Month. #GoGreen4CP is a hashtag campaign for CP...
hunterkelch2Mar 31, 20185 minBirthday WishWhen I was a kid, the most important thing about celebrating my birthday was all the Hoopla. You know…the cake, candles,...
hunterkelch2Mar 21, 20186 minYNOT Life Style: Story of Strength and DeterminationMany people ask me the question, “If there was a cure for CP, would you seek it out?” My answer always surprises people. Unless CP is...
hunterkelch2Aug 9, 20177 minFitBit: Effective Tool in Caring for the CaregiverThis week I would like to welcome regular guest blogger and my mom, Sandi. My mom is my primary caregiver and she also assists me with...
hunterkelch2Feb 25, 20173 minSpecial Olympics Enriches the Lives of ManySpecial Olympics Logo: The Special Olympics were founded...
hunterkelch2Feb 8, 20172 A Valuable Caregiver is a very useful support and information tool for all types of caregivers. offers information, advice and on-line...