Recently, the lift motor in my ancient green monster of a van went kaput. In the past few years, she has put me in several dangerous situations, including leaving me stranded outside in the cold a few months ago. Just imagine being disabled, barely able to move, not being able to see (my night vision is poor), and having to be lifted into a car (I am not petite!) with a twisted spine (I have a bad case of scoliosis). Yeah, a dangerous and extremely painful situation. For these and other reasons, about 3 or 4 months ago, my Mom’s friends revealed that they were doing a fundraiser for me to possibly get a newer, safer van or extensively repair and “remodel” the old one. My mom and I thought long and hard about this, as we like to do things our own. We came to the conclusion that helping each other is what friendship is all about. Sometimes receiving is as important as giving.

Hot Air Balloon Ride!!

Krystal, Candy and Sissa got the ball rolling. Soon more and more people became involved, including people who have never met me! The group decided to hold a benefit at the Trail’s End bar and restaurant in Wausau, Wisconsin. There will be a lot of great things raffled off, including a flat screen tv, hot air balloon ride and a Packer booze wagon!! The community has been very supportive and I would like to thank EVERYONE who made this possible!

Flat Screen TV!!
If you are thinking about donating or coming to the fundraiser please log on to our Facebook event link https://www.facebook.com/events/908147782632437/
Please “Come Roll With Me” at Trails End on February 20th! The address is 3901 Sherman Rd, Wausau, WI 54401. The benefit will run from 11am-9pm.
Feel free to write any questions or comments.